We are currently performing mediations and arbitrations in person and via videoconference.
Mediation: The charge for a full day in person mediation is $2750 per party. For a ZOOM mediation, that fee drops to $2500 per party. I only conduct half day mediations via ZOOM and the fee is $2000 per party. There are exceptions to these rates in the event the case requires extensive preparation or is multi party. Please contact my office if your case falls into one of these categories.
Arbitration: My arbitration rates are $650 per hour and $6,500 per day.
Cancellation: Please note that I have a strict 6 week cancellation policy for arbitrations and a 3 business day cancellation policy for mediations. Of course, if I can fill those cancelled days with other work, you will receive a refund.
Please locate available dates by looking at the calendar on this website. Once you select a date, our admin, Annette Decker, will email you to confirm the date. THE DATE IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL YOU GET HER CONFIRMATION.
Payment is expected in advance. Please make all checks payable to Elizabeth Ray, P.C. and send all materials to me at judge@judgeelizabethray.com or to Judge Elizabeth Ray, 3207 Newcastle Dr., Houston, Texas 77027. (I prefer digitized rather than paper.) We accept Zelle as well as paper checks (judgeelizabethray). In the event of a concern, and within the ethical guidelines, please feel free to contact me directly at judge@judgeelizabethray.com or call 713-702-7227.
Scheduling & Payments

Years of experience